Thursday, February 16, 2017

It's Here!

As most of you know, I have been burying myself in my latest project.  I wrote a book about my sweet hero, Robby.  It has been an interesting experience.  When I started, I thought to myself, "Why not write a story about Robby's life and try to sell it to raise money for his service dog?"  As I wrote and relived all of the many struggles we have faced as a family, it became very much a labor of love.  It reminded me just how strong my young man is and how blessed I am to be his mother. 

The ebook is available now.  I have to do some tweaking with the cover design to make it appropriate for the paperback version.  Hopefully I will be able to finish that over the weekend and have the paperback version available for purchase by early next week.  Hope on over to Amazon to get your copy of the ebook!