Monday, September 23, 2013

Oh The Confusion

Those of you who know me best know that when I've had a drink or two I get a bit nostalgic.  Sometimes I look through old yearbooks or Google friends that I haven't seen in ages to see what they are up to.  So last night I decided to look up Michael's biological dad, or as I like to call him "sperm donor".  It turns out he has another son.  At first when I saw the photos I thought it was good that he appeared to have grown up enough to be a good dad to that boy.  Next my mood shifted to anger that he never showed that kind of interest in OUR son.  And then it hit child has a brother out there somewhere that he will probably never get to meet.  How do I even begin to process that?

I don't know at what age I will tell Michael, or how for that matter.  I just know that my poor son has already dealt with so much of the emotional fallout that comes with being abandoned by a parent and it breaks my heart thinking that there is more yet to be piled on.

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