Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Time to Reconnect

I was reading a friend's blog today and it made me realize something about myself.  I'm a lot more selfish than I ever thought or cared to admit.  This woman has been my friend since we were seven years old, we were even born in the same month.  That is a total of 25 years, and yet for the last 10-12 of those I barely know anything about what her life has become or who she is now.  I'm ashamed of that.

After thinking about it some more I realized that I have a few other friends, though none so close, that I have lost contact with for the most part because I've been too wrapped up in my own troubles to ask about THEIR lives.  So today I'm going to change that.  I'm going to check in on my dear pals at least once a week  by email and try to get over my major dislike of the telephone.

To the friend I mentioned above: You know who you are and I am truly sorry that we have grown so far apart over the last several years.  You are like a sister to me and I love you with all my heart.  I'm sorry I haven't been there for you and I hope that we can change that and get back to talking about everything under the sun like we used to.

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