Saturday, January 14, 2017

My Cup Runneth Over

Today we hit the $1000 mark for our fundraiser for Robby's service dog.  $1055 to be exact!  We still have a long way to go but right now I'm just content being amazed that we raised this in a single week.  The kindness and generosity shown to us by family, friends, and strangers is both overwhelming and humbling.  Thank you everyone for helping us get closer to our goal.  My family will be forever grateful.

I am thankful not only for the monetary donations but also for each and every shared post.  If you are helping out by sharing please remember that if you go to our Gofundme campaign page you can share not only on Facebook but also on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  Our campaign is currently trending.  With your help we can make it go viral!

I would also like to say a special thank you to my friend (you know who you are) that offered to come build a proper fence for the back yard once we have raised enough to pay for the materials.  This really touched my heart and I feel blessed to know such a selfless person.

I will share the link to our campaign page below.  Also, if you haven't read it and would like to know more of Robby's store check out my post from a few days ago titled "Service Dog for Robby".  In November we attended a special event where he got to read a book to a service dog.  He really enjoyed it and I can't wait to get him a dog of his own!


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