Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Service Dog Fundraiser Video

Service Dog For Robby

Hi again!  Thank you for dropping by.  I spent the better part of my day working on a video (click the link above to watch) to help promote my fundraiser to get Robby a service dog.  Going through the old CT scans and Xrays and talking about his story is always an emotional endeavor but so worth it.  Robby is such a ray of sunshine in my life and I hope after seeing this video and reading his story on my previous blog post "Service Dog For Robby" you will find it in your heart to donate to our cause.

If you are unable to donate right now that's ok.  Hey, the economy is in the toilet...I get it.  But you can still help!  Sharing these blog posts, the video, and the link to my GoFundMe page helps immensely too.  More than 2/3 of the donations we have received so far have been from people who have seen something their friends shared.  More exposure means a better chance for Robby to get his dog.  Thank you all again for your continued help and support.  I appreciate each and every one of you.

Donate here:

Follow me on Twitter @dsntplynice and share there too!

#advocacy #campaign #cause #charity #crowdfunding #dogood #donate #fundraising #socialgood #dogforRobby

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