Sunday, April 22, 2018

Rocks For Robby

Tonight's post will be short and sweet.  I'm sorry for the lack of photos, but I had an idea today that I am very excited about and I just had to hurry and put it out there!  Those of you who know me personally know that I have struggled with my weight nearly all of my adult life.  One of the ways I am battling the bulge right now is hiking.  I absolutely love it.  Well, one of the things you run across when you're hitting the trails is painted rocks.  This is a big craze right now and people are having a lot of fun with it.  Personally, I'm not a big rock painter.  However, I did find one of those rocks not too long ago.  On the back was a Facebook page and a request to post a photo of the rock to that page so that whoever hid it would know that someone found it.

As I was hiking this afternoon and looking for a place to rehide the rock, a thought occurred to me.  A LOT of people are into this rock painting/hiding thing.  So, what if all of Robby's supporters painted rocks that have OUR Facebook page on the back?  We can paint them with things like green and blue ribbons (green is the color for cerebral palsy and blue is the color for hydrocephalus), and we can add #nomorebs.  If you are unfamiliar, that stands for "no more brain surgery".  On the front (top?) of the rock would be the painted design.  And painted on the back would be: Share on Facebook @ Service Dog For Robby.  This could draw a lot of people to our page and raise awareness for our cause and our fundraiser!  

If you are a fan of my little Super Robby, please paint a rock and next time you are out and about place it where someone can find it and be led to our page.  I appreciate all of you and I hope many many rocks are painted and hidden for my CP hero!  I'm off to paint my rock now.  Have a great night everyone.