Friday, April 13, 2018

Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Who is your hero?  Who do you look up to?  Is it a fictional character, or like me, is it a real person?  My 12-year-old son Robby is my number one hero.  Just last week he added two brain surgeries to his tally bringing him to 14.  And does he let it get him down?  Nope.  He's still having some pain, but he is rocking his post-surgery Mohawk like the superstar he is.

I've been thinking about heroes a lot lately...and not just because I gave birth to one.  A good friend of mine is an EMT and a firefighter.  I have a good many other friends who are first responders as well, but this one in particular set my wheels turning.  We were chatting one day and I was telling him about my very hectic afternoon.  My oldest son was accepted into a youth challenge program at the last minute and I had to do some major schedule juggling to get him there.  So I made my usual crack about being Superwoman and told him I hoped his day was less hectic than mine.  He told me it wasn't really (which makes me sad because if he is busy at work then it means people are in pain), and I told him he could handle it.  After all, I just dabble in heroism.  He's a hero every day.  To which my friend responded, "No h-word here."  And that brings me to another h-word...humble.  

Robby's condition brings us into contact with a lot of medical professionals and nearly all of them are humble.  I tell them how amazing they are and they say they are just doing their jobs.  Even his neurosurgeon has this special quality.  A few days ago I thanked him for saving my son's life yet again.  He said  I had nothing to thank him for.  He told me that I kept bringing my son to them in hopes that they would fix his shunt in such a way that we would no longer require an average of 2 surgeries per year, and that they hadn't done that for me yet.  He said, "But he's ours.  We love him and we are going to keep on trying."  It honestly melted my heart.  

And then there is the care he receives from the nurses whenever we pay an extended visit to the children's hospital.  Those everyday heroes that provide endless entertainment, sympathy, support, and even hugs to my little angel.  The ones that listen to his jokes, tell him some of their own when he needs cheering up, and make sure that he and I both have everything we need because Lord knows I don't walk out of that hospital until he does.

When we do finally walk out of those doors and head home, there is a hero waiting there as well.  She is his CNA and someone we both absolutely adore.  Need a sitter at the last minute?  Done.  Care so I can run out and replace all the food that went bad while we were in the hospital?  No problem.  Stay overnight so I can leave before sunrise and make a 9-hour round-trip to deliver Michael to his program?  Sure thing.  Now THAT is what I call a hero.  

As you go about your day and that inevitable frustration sets in over being stuck in traffic or dealing with that co-worker, I urge you to think about people who are struggling with major health issues.  Say a little prayer for them, and a little thank you to those who step up to help them.  Because who knows?  Maybe someday you will need a hero of your own and one of them will surely be there for you.

If you would like to keep up on my little hero's progress, head on over to our Facebook page:  Service Dog For Robby.  Give us a like and please share the page.  Have a great day y'all!  #nomorebs 

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