Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Run, Run, Run!

Robby and I are excited to embark on our newest adventure.  He has been part of a Facebook group called IRun4 for about three years.  Runners around the country are paired with children and adults with disabilities and they dedicate their runs to their buddies.  These relationships are largely virtual.  The runners communicate with their buddies via closed Facebook groups by posting pictures, memes, and sharing their workouts/races to brighten their buddy's day.  The buddies (or their families) post pictures and updates for the runners as well.  Several of the runners send their race medals to their buddies and a few have even met their buddies in person and run races with them.  It's a great group of people.  If you are a runner and would like to be paired with a special buddy, you can visit the IRun4 website and click "Match Me".

Today I signed Robby up for something similar.  The difference is that Ainsley's Angels is not virtual and Robby will actually get to participate in local races with his runner(s).  They provide special chairs for the kids to ride in and their goal is to make communities more inclusive for people with special needs.  Ainsley's Angels operates in 30 states, so if you are interested in becoming an Angel, or if you know a special needs child who would love to be an Angel Rider, I encourage you to visit their site.  Signing up is quick and easy.  I learned about Ainsley's Angels from one of Robby's teachers who also has a special needs child and is part of the group.  We are looking forward to meeting new friends and having a blast with them!

If you want to see more frequent updates on Super Robby, you can like/follow our Facebook page "Service Dog For Robby".  Have a wonderful day y'all!

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