Thursday, May 17, 2018

Surgery Update

Hello everyone!  I apologize that it's been so long since I have updated all of you.  I recently decided to go back to college and everything has been very busy.  Our little superstar lost a tooth last week.  I wish I had a cute photo to share, but it was kind of far back in his mouth and he wasn't cooperating.  Something about not enjoying my fingers in his mouth.  Go figure.

He also had his surgical follow-up earlier this week.  Super Robby passed with flying colors.  The doctor says he looks great and he was happy to hear that we haven't seen the usual post-surgery regression in performance at school.  He was also happy that the vision therapist says Robby's eye alignment has improved.  All signs are pointing to this lower-pressure valve being a good decision.  Let's just hope it keeps this cute little guy from needing surgery again any time soon!

Since our last update, Robby has also been on a field trip.  They hit several places, but he especially enjoyed Petco.

He also went to the mall with his dad and rode an elephant!  Okay, to be clear it wasn't a real elephant.  But still super fun!

As you can see, things have been a little hectic.  But I'm happy to report that Super Robby is definitely on the mend and ready for whatever our next adventure may be.  Have a great week everyone!

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